Target Market

Navigating the Red Tape: A Small Business Owner’s Guide to Landing Big Clients

Reel in the Big Fish!

As a small business owner, you’ve likely faced your fair share of challenges regarding securing contracts with larger companies. The red tape and bureaucracy can be daunting, but with the right mindset and strategies, you can untangle the complexities and land those big fish clients. In this article, we’ll explore the key steps you need […]

Unlocking Business Growth

In today’s competitive business landscape, small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) must focus on driving growth and boosting profits to thrive. I aim to help SMEs improve their bottom line while growing top-line revenue. I’ve identified seven key areas entrepreneurs should prioritize to achieve sustainable success. Let’s explore these points and how they relate to the […]

Direct Response or Bust!

Direct response marketing demands a direct response from your potential customers. This type of marketing is used to answer questions, present your branding and products, and explain the reason you do what you do. Customers love this, as they are offered the opportunity to respond, whether that be in the way of signing up for […]

Stop Wasting Your Resources!

Today you’re going to learn how to find a target market of potential customers so you aren’t wasting precious resources on blitz marketing. So, the two questions you have to ask yourself are: What do people really want to buy from me? What related products are they already buying? Once you figure this out you […]